
KALI New! Stag Parties Only!

KALI is a Brand New Addition to Beach Bunnies Stag Party Lineup! She has a professional dance background, is fun, flirty and full of energy! Kali has long gorgeous dark brown hair and stunning green eyes. She is very pretty and has a bangin’ body built for entertainment. With all the right moves to thrill… Continue reading KALI New! Stag Parties Only!


Thinking of more than one lady to entertain you? We have an extensive list of ladies who love working together! It’s always best to give us a call and book this type of arrangement in advance.


At Beach Bunnies we pride ourselves in being different. We are Canada’s top agency and one of the very highest paying in the country. No advertising fees and we don’t do not take a percentage on any of your tips. We encourage ladies further themselves in their education and to get themselves to the next step in… Continue reading NOW HIRING!

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